溫莎牛頓 Series 7 西伯利亞紅貂毛畫筆 #8 (木盒)WINSOR & NEWTON Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Round #8 (Wooden Box)

現價:1,948.00 原價:2,050.00 加入購物籃 Add to Cart

產品簡介 Description

「Series 7 西伯利亞紅貂毛畫筆」選用最高級的西伯利亞紅貂毛,於英國人手製造,可以維持完美筆尖,彈性極佳,而且吸水量高,木盒包裝典雅高貴,絕對適合欣賞奢華與耐用的朋友。
Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Brushes are made from only the finest Kolinsky Sable hair in rust-proof, seamless nickel plated ferrules with black polished handles.
Series 7 brushes are hand-made in England by our expert brush makers, each with over 26 years experience. In larger sizes, each brush is packed into an individual wooden box with a tag indicating the name of the Series 7 brush maker who made the brush.
The standards of quality for this brush were set in 1866, when Her Majesty Queen Victoria gave orders that Winsor & Newton should produce the very finest water colour brushes in her favourite size, the No.7.
Each brush comes to a crisp point and snaps back into shape during use, with the right degree of spring to allow superior control between the brush and surface. The colour flows evenly and consistently from the point, with enough colour carrying capacity in the belly of the brush to allow flowing gestural strokes.





溫莎牛頓 Series 7 西伯利亞紅貂毛畫筆 #8 (木盒)WINSOR & NEWTON Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Round #8 (Wooden Box)


