• Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors 12枝套裝連插畫技法教學本 **中文版**Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set 12 pcs with Guidebook **Chinese Version**
  • Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors 12枝套裝連插畫技法教學本 **中文版**Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set 12 pcs with Guidebook **Chinese Version**
  • Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors 12枝套裝連插畫技法教學本 **中文版**Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set 12 pcs with Guidebook **Chinese Version**
  • Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors 12枝套裝連插畫技法教學本 **中文版**Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set 12 pcs with Guidebook **Chinese Version**
  • Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors 12枝套裝連插畫技法教學本 **中文版**Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set 12 pcs with Guidebook **Chinese Version**
  • Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors 12枝套裝連插畫技法教學本 **中文版**Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set 12 pcs with Guidebook **Chinese Version**

Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors 12枝套裝連插畫技法教學本 **中文版**Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set 12 pcs with Guidebook **Chinese Version**

現價:348.00 原價:367.00 加入購物籃 Add to Cart

產品簡介 Description

「Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set」是經過精心挑選的 12 色 Copic Ciao 麥克筆套裝,連同免費送贈的 Copic 插畫技法教學本,能夠幫助你學習如何使用 Copic 麥克筆和了解它的無限可能性。​
這本書總共有 64頁,教導你如何由零開始掌握你的上色及繪畫人像的技巧,除了初學者外,同樣適合有經驗的麥克筆用家!此書發行後立即成為日本的暢銷書,並且被當地不少的漫畫專門學校納作教學書本,作者伊里日葉女士(You Iribi,又名Babiry)是一位非常受歡迎的漫畫及插畫家,她的作品經常出現在多本插畫雜誌上,亦有於多所日本專業學校擔任講師。​
究竟12枝筆可以做出多少變化?這本64頁的 Copic 插畫技法教學本內,作者會教導你如何使用套裝內的12枝顏色,讓你嘗試多種不同上色技巧,例如是疊色丶漸變及改變上色位置等,並完成套裝裡包括的繪畫初稿練習。看過此書後,相信你必定會驚訝於這12枝顏色的可能性!​
「Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set」套裝內容包括:​
· Copic Ciao x 12 (BV31, RV21, R000, R35, YR31, Y02, BG23, B02, E31, E93, W-2, 0) ​
· 繪畫初稿 x 2​
· 免費贈品 Copic 插畫技法教學本(中文版)「Start with 12 Colours! Copic Illustration for Beginners」​
"Copic Ciao Start With 12 Colors Set" is a curated set of 12 Copic Ciao markers bundled with a FREE 64-page guidebook that helps you to learn how to use Copic markers and understand the infinite possibilities of these markers.​
The book takes you from zero to gradually master your coloring skills and character illustration techniques. The book was developed in partnership with the popular illustrator Babiry and instantly became a bestseller in Japan, in addition it has been adopted as a textbook in some local Manga schools.​
What can you do with 12 markers? In the guidebook, the author will teach you how to utilise these 12 markers. It allows you to try out various techniques and to complete the practice sheets. You’ll definitely be surprised by the limitless possibilities that these 12 markers can achieve!​
"Copic Ciao Start With 12 Colors Set" contains:​
· Copic Ciao x 12 (BV31, RV21, R000, R35, YR31, Y02, BG23, B02, E31, E93, W-2, 0)​
· Lineart for coloring x 2​
· FREE “Start with 12 Colours! Copic Illustration for Beginners” 64-page guidebook​ (Chinese version)



Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors 12枝套裝連插畫技法教學本 **中文版**Copic Ciao Start with 12 Colors Set 12 pcs with Guidebook **Chinese Version**


