送貨服務 Delivery

Shipping methods, the delivery cost and the estimated delivery date may vary depending on the delivery address, what time you place your order, item availability and item type.



For qualifying NGOs and educational institutions, please contact us directly.



• 送貨服務包含地區,除離島區外,主要的私人及公共屋苑,工商業區

• 如運送小型手提貨物,包免費搬運兩層樓,大型貨物或超過兩層,須另議附加費用。

• 離島區包括大嶼山、南丫島、長洲、坪洲......等。

• 如需送貨至河畔或碼頭,顧客須自行安排海路運送及貨物上落事宜。一切額外費用,須由顧客自付。

• 送貨費用不包括停車場費用,送貨地址如沒有免費上落貨停泊之停車場,停車場費用須由顧客額外支付。

• 本公司有機會調整限制上門送貨服務,或會安排貨物轉為順豐速遞。



Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Service:
• Our delivery service include residential and commercial address of the aforementioned areas (except Outlying Islands).

• For delivery addresses without elevators, we offer free service up to the 2nd floor for small items. For big items or additional floors, additional charges shall apply.
• Outlying Islands include Lantau Island, Lamma Island, Cheung Chau, Peng Chau etc.
• The above delivery fees only include delivering to the Kaito Pier. Any transportation fees and delivery arrangement across the sea is excluded.
• The above delivery fees do not include parking fees. If the delivery address do not provide free parking for loading, we will require additional delivery charges.

• The to-door delivery service might be restricted or adjusted. We might arrange contactless delivery service such as SF Express.



送貨日期會因應不同地區而有所不同,詳情請向本公司查詢或電郵至 info@ArtMaterials.hk


Delivery arrangements:

We currently provide different delivery days for different areas. If you need more information, please contact us directly or email us at info@ArtMaterials.hk.


順豐速運「貨到付運費」,運費由順豐速運收取,因此運費不會於訂單上顯示。適合體積較小丶輕便的貨品,我們並不建議選用順豐速運運送體積較大或容易撞壞的貨品 (如: 紙類丶畫架丶珍珠板等),此類貨品建議選用我們的送貨服務或自取。
Pay shipping fees to SF Express on arrival. As the shipping fee is charged by SF Express, it will not be shown on the invoice. Suitable for smaller and lighter items. Not recommended for larger or fragile items, such as paper, canvas or foam board. Meanwhile, we suggest choosing our delivery service or self pickup for such items.

星期一至五: 11:00-13:00, 15:00-18:00
星期六: 11:00-13:00
Self Pickup service does not require extra fees. After receiving the order and checking the stock availability, we will notify you to pick up within 3 working days. Then, you may pick up your order at our Self Pick-up Point.
Self Pick-up Point:
4/F, Rear Block, Ming Sang Industrial Building, 
21 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Pick-up time:
Monday to Friday: 11:00-13:00, 15:00-18:00
Saturday: 11:00-13:00
Closed on Public Holidays and Sundays



These terms and conditions of delivery and service are lastly updated on 3/1/2024.